World Class Training in over 150 different career fields
Choose between Active Duty (Full Time) or Army Reserves (Part Time)
Steady income
Montgomery/Post 9-11 G.I. Bill
Up to 100 percent Tuition Assistance for college
Retirement benefits
30 Days paid vacation a year
Low-cost life insurance (up to $400,000 in coverage)
401(k)-type savings plan
Enlistment Bonuses and Student Loan Repayment Plans
Service to your Country
Must enlist for either Active Duty or Army Reserves
17 to 34 years of age
Must meet certain height and weight standards
US citizen or legal resident (green card ok)​
No major medical or health issues
No serious law violations, felonies or open tickets, cases, court dates, etc. YOU MUST NOT HAVE ANY OPEN LAW OR TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS
High School diploma or at least 15 credit hours of college
Note there are other requirements and certain ones are waiverable. Please contact us for more information.
Average Annual Salary
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently estimated that the average active duty service member receives an Army benefits and pay compensation package worth $99,000. Non-cash compensation represents almost 60 percent of this package. Non-cash compensation includes health care, retirement pay, child care and free or subsidized food, housing and education. Coupled with regular cash compensation, this adds up to attractive military compensation for Soldiers.

Post 9/11 GI Bill Information from the Veterans Affairs Department