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Our Recruiters have been serving the Southern Tier and the surrounding areas since 1975, establishing a long history with the community and its members.  We offer diverse career opportunities, funding for college, and global leadership experience, maximizing the personal development and education of the people in our community.


Come join our team and make a positive difference in the world!

What is the U.S. Army?

The U.S. Army is a key component of the U.S. Armed Forces, providing expeditionary land forces wherever and whenever they are required.  Working in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Defense, the Army trains and equips Soldiers and creates leaders among them to rapidly respond when they are called upon to serve our Nation.  The Army is a professional organization instilled with the Army values and Warrior ethos.  When you don the Army uniform, you bear the flag of our Nation on your sleeve, and the name of our team - the U.S. Army - over your heart.  And when you are a member of this team, the team that makes a difference, you are a member for life.  The  Southern Tier Army Recruiting Company provides services from Jamestown to Binghamton and the surrounding areas.  We offer opportunities in both Army Reserves (part-time: once a month) and Active Duty (full-time) career opportunities!


For a free consultation on Army career opportunities, education benefits, and qualifications, please click on the CONTACT page to obtain information about your nearest Army recruiter.



U.S. Army Minnesota


The U.S. Army's Career Navigator is a great resource to help you decide if a career in the army is right for you. With Career Navigator you can view over 230 U.S. Army Careers, learn how the army can help you get a college education, watch videos, see how you will transition from Civilian to Soldier in Basic Combat Training, and learn how your career will progress. And you can do all of this in the comfort of your own home with the support of family and friends. If you decide you'd like to learn more about a career in the U.S. Army, you can even use the app to find and contact a local recruiter.

U.S. Army Minnesota
U.S. Army Minnesota

United States Army  National Guard U.S. Army United States Army Recruiting U.S. Army Recruiting US Army Minnesota Minneapolis Army Recruiters recruiter New York Syracuse Olean Jamestown Parttime job

The Creed's in which we live by as Soldiers in the United States Army

U.S. Army Minnesota National Guard

The 7 Army Values


U.S. Army Minnesota National Guard

As United States Army Recruiters we are here to assist those whom have an interest in joining the U.S. Army! We are available anytime!

U.S. Army Minnesota National Guard
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